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© 2025, Dan Romeo | Humanitarian Reporter ®

NGOs Services

Humanitarian Professional Photography


Tailor made services Worldwide

I'm able to offer a photographic solution that can be molded to fit NGO and various organizations perspective, be that light and positive, entirely documentary, harder-hitting, or whatever you wish to project to their audience. 

01. Humanitarian Photography


Photography as a tool for social change has proven to be amazing and powerful.

Documenting NGO efforts towards children health, education, and social justice is the aim of my photography. I work side-by-side for weeks with staffers from the organizations, foundations, NGO, to capture powerful images in the countries where they carry on their projects targeted to bring aid and deliver humanitarian activities.

I help NGO, non-profits, and foundations to create a real and sustainable impact. I work closely with NGOs like UNICEF, Save the Children and many others worldwide as well as with National and International Magazines.

I'm available for assignments worldwide, visual storytelling and NGO communication.

02. Humanitarian Photography

Documenting & Reportage

The NGO Reportage it's a sort of a new genre of photography emerging within editorial photography field. It's a mix between press photography ,documentary photography and photojournalism. NGO Reportage finds its perfect applications in annual reports for NGO, web sites, social media, ADV campaigns, and various communication means.

With many years of experience in documentary and reportage photography, and having shot for various NGO worldwide, I'm well positioned to capture the needs of NGO Organisation in a way that is as unique, creative and cost-effective. With me, NGOs can invest in the whole creative process, from concept to completion, leaving them to focus on what really matters: the work they do.

03. Humanitarian Photography


The hardest job of an NGO photographer is the research. Talking with people, creating empathy in order to access information, situations, stories. Not everything is driven by the visual. The eye is only the final tool to create a narrative, together with my camera.

I’m a portrait specialist and lover. In my personal opinion personification is the most important dimension. This doesn't mean to reduce everything to a series of portraits, even if I do personally trust that faces, people faces, have the biggest power to tell a story than everything else. As in every single aspect of photography there’s a combination of factors but above all there’s what the observer feels, smells, touches, gives to people and things. Photography, humanitarian photography, is not to take something. The real humanitarian photography is to give something to my subjects in order to build and to tell a story.

I can create texts and images for your individual storytelling or produce media for your organization or brand. I produce authentic stories using ethical approaches to photography and above all to people.

04. Humanitarian Photography

Workshops // Photo Travels

Travel through the rural areas of Asia, Africa, South America accompanied by international and local NGOs and my expert guide with years of experience in NGO assignments worldwide.

This will let you experience situations of real life, incredible faces, unique humanity – every step of the way. My travels and workshops are intended to experience the true essence of people and a territory, away from the tourist paths – and most of all to get to know the daily activities of humanitarian projects.
It will be a continuous discovery. You will be surprised moment after moment on these travels while meeting and getting to know these amazing local villages and people. I combine my passion for photography and travels with my professional experience, organizing travels with a deep love for the countries and attention to details.

The basis of my responsible photographic travels is the unique contact and the empathy while engaging with locals. You will stay in remote villages, attend NGO activities supporting the community, participate to carry out their projects, take part in food preparation and last but not least work and photograph the life of the community from sunrise to sunset.These are unique and unimaginable moments that only a slow, conscious and responsible travel can give you.

My tours and workshops are designed for people with a passion for photography and responsible travels, limited to a maximum of 6 participants per travel. Thanks to the small groups and the close collaboration with the NGOs, you will be able to travel to destinations, tourists normally will not be able to access. A truly unique and memorable experience.

I believe in a travel that is responsible in all ways – socially and culturally. My Travels' aim is to travel as responsibly as possible, treating locals and their culture and traditions with the utmost respect while also making sure our impact on the environment is as minor as possible.

You can see here the World Map with my travels during the last 12 years.

I'm always available to travel Worldwide and you can hire me to satisfy all of your needs related to photography, reportage, documentation, storytelling.

Some NGO Customers & Partners

My Customers and Partners are local and international humanitarian organizations, media organizations, camera and equipment manufacturers, magazines and newspapers.